God the Father when speaking in Moses 1:39 said "This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Jesus Christ through the Atonement has made the first goal of immortality available to all men. To gain eternal life or to live with God, means living with Him in the Celestial world. We should always consciously be seeking acceptance of our "offering", by living so that we make our calling and election sure in this life.


The Apostle Peter encouraged and admonished the early saints in AD 60-64 in 2 Peter 1:10, to "... give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall." By making their calling and election sure, the saints were to gain entrance ... into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He reviewed his experience on the Mount of Transfiguration with James and John, where they heard the voice of God, the Father. Then Peter explained that such an experience did not of itself make one’s calling and election sure, "We (must) have also a more sure word of prophecy (Vs1:11, 17, 19).


THE "MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY" - Joseph Smith on 14 May, 1843 said "They then would want that more sure word of prophecy, that they were sealed in the heavens and had the promise of eternal life in the Celestial world. Having this promise, it would be an anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast. Though the thunders might roll and lightning’s flash, and earthquakes bellow and war gather thick around, yet this hope and knowledge would support the soul in every hour of trial, trouble and tribulation.... I would exhort you to go on and continue to call upon God until you make your calling and election sure for yourselves, by obtaining this more sure word of prophecy." HC5:388-389; DGSM:52.


AVAILABLE ONLY TO MEMBERS - Marion G. Romney said that this applies to members only who have been (1) Baptized (2) Received the First Comforter and (3) Sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise (D&C 76:51-53). "It is this assurance within a person that brings to him that peace in this world which will sustain him in every tribulation. Joseph Smith was urging the brethren to make their calling and election sure, as he had already received his. In D&C 132:49-50 "For I am the Lord thy God, and will be with thee even unto the end of the world, and through all eternity; for verily I seal upon you your exaltation, and prepare a throne for you in the kingdom of my father, with Abraham your father. Behold I have seen your sacrifices, and will forgive all your sins; I have seen your sacrifices in obedience to that which I have told you." The Lord also gave that same witness to Heber C. Kimball.


PATIENCE IS REQUIRED - Joseph Smith said this more sure word of prophecy is "a man’s knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life, by revelation and the spirit of prophecy through the power of the Holy Priesthood." D&C 131:5. "Now wait patiently for promise of that more sure word of prophecy, until you obtain it."


IF ONE FALLS FOLLOWING IT’S RECEIPT - Though a person might have his calling and election made sure there remains a possibility that he may fall from grace D&C 20:32-34. It appears that according to the prophet Joseph Smith, to fall from grace thereafter would be a permanent fall.


A HEDGE AGAINST FURTHER SIN - Bruce R. McKonkie - "The added blessing of having one’s calling and election made sure is itself an encouragement to avoid sin and hedge against it’s further commission. By that long course of obedience and trial which enabled them to gain so great a blessing, the sanctified saints have charted a course and developed a pattern of living which avoids sin and encourages righteousness ... But suppose such persons become disaffected and the spirit of repentance leaves them - which is a seldom and almost unheard of eventuality - still, what then? The answer is - and the revelations and teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith so recite! - they must pay the penalty of their own sins, for the blood of Christ will not cleanse them. Or if they commit murder or adultery, they lose their promised inheritance because these sins are exempt from the sealing promises. Or if they commit the unpardonable, they become sons of perdition." Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:343.


MAY RECEIVE THE SECOND COMFORTER - After we receive the more sure word of prophecy, we may receive the Second Comforter, which carries the promise of eternal life. Joseph Smith said "Let him then continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the Second Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the saints, as in John 14:12-27. See D&C 88:1-4. June 27, 1839 Instruction at Conference of the Twelve HC3:380-81.


BEGIN NOW IN THE MISSION FIELD This great gift can only be bestowed upon souls who have been tested through the "crucibles" of life, and who are consistent in keeping all the commandments. We must be stable and reliable, otherwise we cannot be trusted with such a gift. Begin now, in the most stable of protected environments. Do not allow any set of circumstances, apartment, companion, relationships, area, to weaken our stability in the eyes of our Father in Heaven. Always be consistent, one upon whom He can always rely! But be patient.


We have completed a marvelous year bringing 2,421 into the waters of baptism, up from 2,073 the previous year (1995), and 1,347 in 1994. Our goal for 1997 is 3,000. On April 25, 1995 the mission leaders set a goal for 300 x 3 months consecutively, which has not yet been achieved. At the last Zone Conferences, we agreed to set the goal for January 1997 at 200, then 300 for February, March and April. 630 will then be our long term goal after we solidify the Wards and Branches. With these goals set, there should then be a smooth transition to the new Mission President in July, with no drop in baptisms. This would be the greatest compliment to us, and our greatest legacy to the new President.


Now let us proselyte with the "NYS Hunger" and reach our goals in the true spirit of charity and unity, doing everything "For His Glory."

Pres & Sis Bailey